Draw rect and label for object detect

June 28, 2022

  • vue
  • p5.js
  • ai
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這項功能是最近被要求撰寫的,所以就如火如荼地花了一些時間把功能用出來,扣除掉客戶想要能過濾物件之外,其實後台辨識主機在使用 opencv 繪製框框時是很耗效能的,於是在跟 PM 和後端工程師討論過後,我們將這部分功能轉嫁給前端瀏覽器,後台也不用額外儲存影片資料,減少儲存空間,以往可能要儲存 opencv 繪製完後的影片及原始影片,現在只要存取有抓到物件的原始影片及框框 json 的資訊,畢竟目前公司產品都是不上雲居多,需要定時清理,算是一石二鳥吧。

Initialize the videojs component

此範例是使用 Vue3 TypeScript 搭配 p5.js 來進行繪製,當然你也可以使用純 canvas 搭配 requestAnimationFrame 來進行動態繪製框框,不過因為作者本人我比較懶,所以這次主要使用 p5.js。

首先需創建 Video.vue 的 component,程式碼如下,我們將 video current time, object json data, video status 以 props 的形式帶到 Track component。

// Video.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, ref, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'
import videojs from 'video.js'
import "video.js/dist/video-js.css"
import '@videojs/themes/dist/sea/index.css' // need to install @videojs/themes

// this part in real world need to be fetched from the server
import videoSrc from '../assets/video.mp4'
import videoJSON from '../assets/video.json'

let videoRef = videojs.Player | null = null
const videoStatus = ref<"paused" | "playing">("paused")
const currentTime = ref(0)

const OPTIONS = {
  control: true,
  sources: [
      src: videoSrc,
      type: "video/mp4"

// need to get the DOM, so you should use onMounted hook
onMounted(() => {
  // init the video.js
  videoRef = videojs(
    () => {
      const vRef = videoRef as videojs.Player

      vRef.on("timeupdate", () => {
        currentTime.value = vRef.currentTime() || 0

      vRef.on("playing", () => {
        videoStatus.value = "playing"

      vRef.on("playing", () => {
        videoStatus.value = "paused"

onBeforeUnmount(() => {
  if (videoRef) {
    (videoRef as videojs.Player).dispose()

  <div class="video-wrapper">
    <video id="js-video-player" class="video-js vjs-theme-sea">
      <p class="vjs-no-js">
        To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a
        web browser that
        <a href="https://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank"
          >supports HTML5 video</a

    <!-- 🚀 Create Track component and pass props to the Track component -->

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.video-wrapper {
  position: relative;

Start build our drawing track component

上方將 video component 的部分撰寫好後,便可以開始處理框框的繪製,下面僅僅是 sample code 如果需要有額外的功能,可以自行擴充及修改。

<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, ref } from "vue"
import P5 from "p5"

interface FrameType {
  FrameTime: string
  Objects: IObjectType[]

interface IDataType {
  Frame: FrameType[]

interface IObjectType {
  DLabel: string
  DBox: string

const props = defineProps<{
  data: IDataType
  currentTime: number
  videoStatus: "paused" | "playing"

const sketch = function (p5: P5) {
  const COLORS = [p5.color(255, 204, 0)] // you can also fetch border color from the server according DLabel information.

  pt.setup = () => {
    p5.createCanvas(1280, 720) // you can also get the parent DOM width and height by using getBoundingClientRect()

    // using this method can find the closest time from video current time in array
    function closest<T extends IDataType>(data: T): FrameType {
      return data.Frame.reduce((acc, cur) => {
        const curDiff = Math.abs(+cur.FrameTime - props.currentTime)
        const accDiff = Math.abs(+acc.FrameTime - props.currentTime)

        if (accDiff === curDiff) {
          return acc.FrameTime > cur.FrameTime ? acc : cur
        } else {
          return curDiff < accDiff ? cur : acc

    p5.draw = () => {
      if (props.videoStatus === "playing") {
        p5.clear(0, 0, 0, 0) // clear the canvas first

        if (props.data.Frame) {
          const { Objects } = closest(props.data)

          // 🚀 below is the drawing sample code, you can change the drawing method to whatever you want.
          for (let i = 0; i < Objects.length; i++) {
            const { DBox, DLabel } = Objects[i]
            const box = DBox.split(" ").map(Number)

            p5.text(DLabel, box[0], box[1])

            // x, y, w, h
            p5.rect(box[0], box[1], box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1])

// need to use onMounted hook to get the DOM and initialize p5.js
onMounted(() => {
  if (trackRef.value) {
    new P5(sketch, trackRef.value)

  <div ref="trackRef" id="js-video-track"></div>

<style lang="scss" scoped>
#js-video-track {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  pointer-events: none; // because we need to use canvas to cover video, pointer-event need to be set to none, that user can still control the video


現在網頁越來越發達,很多事情及功能都可以透過網頁的方式來達到,尤其是網頁工具這塊,AI 方面…等的 SaaS 也越來越多,畢竟前端簡單的幾行程式碼,就可以為 server 增加些許的效能,此次只是單純分享 AI 工具的使用範例,畢竟自己有實際接觸到,也希望能夠幫助大家了解,前端工程師的範疇是很廣的。

雖然平時主要是以 Vue 開發居多,但後續自己也有在規劃寫一些 React 方面的文章,順便練一下自己生疏的 React,可能做個 React Gaming 101 之類的吧,感覺滿好玩的。

目前也正在用自己下班的時間幫醫生老哥開發一些工具,妥妥的廉價勞工工程師 🥲。

Mayvis Chen
你好,我是 Mayvis Chen